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albino convicts

23 14:47:47

I have 2 sets of fry in a 35 gallon tank with 7 convicts and a 6inch oscar. The one set of fry has about 6 albinos in it. How common is that for that to occur when both male and female are normal coloration? Oh and by the way I have about 50 babies in all. One set was hatched about 2 weeks prior to the other set. I guess they are about 1/2" long now. I know I can't keep them all in this tank for much longer.

Hi Christine,
 The "albino" gene is a recessive gene (meaning it isn't normally expressed) and both your parents must be carriers.
When they mate 1/4 of their kids will be pure non-albino, 1/2 will be carriers (and look like normals) and 1/4 will be albino.  So having 6 albinos out of 50 isn't too far off the

-- Ron
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