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angel fish and eggs

23 14:20:40

Hello there,
I really hope you can help me! I have a pair of angel fish and one of them has lay about 60-70 eggs, I just wanted to know if I have to do anything? The Daddy fish keeps trying to knock them off and eat them. My fish tane is due a full clean and I am unsure what to do, because the eggs are close to the top of the tank.also could you tell me hao long they take to hatch,and how many normally survive. sorry I don't know the correct terms.
Thankyou in advance.
Clare, uk, manchester

Hi Clare,
  Egg eating is a big problem with angelfish.  There isn't much you can do about that, short of separating out the eggs.

  They would normally hatch in about 2 to 3 days. At that point, they are wrigglers that cannot swim. They are able to swim after about 3 to 4 more days.   Most of them do not normally survive; that is why angelfish lay so many eggs.

 When you say a "full clean", what does that mean?  In general, it is not a good idea to dramatically clean a tank. It is far better to clean it bit by bit. For example, I do not recommend changing more than 50% of the water at one time.  It is far better to change 25% of the water once a week, every week, than to change more of it, but less often.

-- Ron
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