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nitrite and nitrate

23 11:07:26

I have a 70ltr tank with 4 small angle fish no plant no gravel a sponge filter and a fulva plus 3 working together my nitrite and nitrate is high how do i get this down the tank has been running for 9 weeks i do 25% water Change and rinse out fulva sponge in tank water.i use bacto bio and have used cycle bio also aqua plus in new water. the other thing is, i tested my tap water and readings are showing them high in nitrite and nitrate. PLEASE help Thanks

Hi Peter,

Your nitrites and nitrates will always be high, because you use a Fluval.

People are told they never need changing.  Rubbish.  They need changing every single month, or essentially, the poop fills them up, and they just siphon it back into the water.

People who maintain them right have great luck with them and they can be the BEST filters on the market (canisters can), if used properly.

Clean the filter.  Change all the water.  Siphon gravel.  Replace the water and rechange it 3 times during the next 2 weeks.

Again, clean the filter.

Sponge filters don't do anything.  They are worthless.

Remember, don't overstock, either.

Lower your feeding of the fish.  

Never keep goldfish or plecos in a fishtank, because they are extreme poopers, but if you do, remember, only one goldfish per 25 gallons.

Good luck!