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23 11:05:41

Hello again, I have the 25 gal planted tank with 8 Rasbora's, 4 Cory catfish, 3 cherry shrimp, and 1 oto catfish. My tank is mature and well established, it has been running for over 3 months or so and the plants have grown in very nicely. The fish are nearly as old as the tank and I test the water reqularly to be sure there is not ammonia or nitrate/nitrite spikes. Considering I have 2 t-5 bulbs I expect algae and have a mild amount of green algae, which my cleaners maintain very well. Well, today I noticed something on the decor (rocks/plants) that I had not seen before. It is little clear plant like things. Very small, too small to photograph, and they are mostly on the rocks in one area of the tank. They are almost like hundreds of very tiny, clear plants. They look like a saltwater feather duster but clear and there is not any tube just the plant. My question is, in a freshwater planted tank, is there clear algae as I describe and is it something I should be concerned about or is it harmless like the green algae? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Rachel,    This is a common problem in planted tanks with fish. What this is growing is mold. Don't get worried it is harmless. It is caused from the Decaying matter lying on the bottom like fish food especially.  A good cleaning will take care of it. Don't let your fish train you and they Feed them once in the morning and in the evening. If you want to feed more often feed less at a time. I know they all act like their starving all the time as soon as they see you, trust me they are . Anyway, Rachel I didn't want to put you off from adding the female bettas. They are not necessarily going to eat your shrimp. Your shrimp are quick and smart. Your betta is mostly a middle and top swimmer anyway. They are very friendly and will eat right off your finger when you train them. They are going to be the dominate fish in your tank. They may chase the others around abit till they stake out their territory but, because your tank  is planted it is perfect. They love the foliage. Also whether you add the bettas or not I would add a few more oto's to help eat the decaying plant and food matter. Glad to hear your tank is doing so well. Good Luck, Tina