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balloon molly

23 11:56:40

My adult balloon molly has a growth like along her dorsal fin and there is also like a single blister with it.  My description may be confusing, but it is like a blister with fluid. A small round bag. The only thing I see different in her behavior is she hides inside the decorative rock. She will shoot out to eat and then goes back.

Hi Becky

It's hard to diagnose your Molly over the Internet but this sounds like it could be Lymphocystis. Lymphocystis is a common viral infection of aquarium fish. Simply put, it's a tumor or tumors usually close to where the fin meets the body of the fish.

There isn't a cure for Lymphocystis, although some medications say on their labels they can cure it. Like any viral infection, it has to run it's course. Separate the Molly and try a mild antibiotic. Do frequent water changes and keep the water free of ammonia. Keep a watchful eye out for any secondary infections. Outside of that, there isn't much you can do but let it run it's course. It should burst and go away.

Hope this helps you and she gets better soon!
