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Fish compatability.

23 11:43:37

Hey, I was just wondering if the following fish are compatible and what size tank they should be in:

1 Redtail shark
2 Red parrot Fish
2 bristlenose plecos or 2 normal plecos (which ever one you think would be better)
1 zigzag eel
2 Pictus catfish
4 Emerald corydoras
2 - 4 Emerald Rainbow fish
2 - 4 Bosemani Rainbow fish
2 - 4 Red Rainbow fish

Would they be suitable in a 30 - 50 gallon? I plan to buy a tank with these fish but I want to know the quantity I should buy for a 30 - 50 gallon.

Thanks, Jason

Hi Jason

The Parrots would be ok with a Redtail Shark, as long as the Redtail has places to hide. I have Redtail Sharks with aggressive Oscars and semi-aggressive Cichlids like Firemouths and Convicts with few problems. The Redtails get chased a lot in these tanks but pretty much take care of themselves, and have many caves to hide in.

Plecos would also be fine with both the Parrots and the Redtail.

The Zigzag Eel however will grow too large for a 50 gallon. They can grow to nearly 2 feet long. A 75, 90 or 120 gallon would be the best choice for the eel.

The Pictus Cat would be fine with the Parrots and the Redtail, however the Cory Cats will not be ok. The Cory Cats should be kept in peaceful community tanks or in semi-aggressive community tanks with Angels, Barbs, Tetras, Mollies, Gouramis etc.

All of the Rainbows you mentioned should be fine with the Parrots, Redtail, Pictus and Plecos. Rainbows are generally a peaceful fish, but can become aggressive when kept with aggressive fish, and will also bully shy and timid fish. For best results with Parrots, add the Rainbows first, and add the Parrots when they are small.

Hope this helps, good luck!
