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Convict Fry

23 11:43:38

Hello again Ron,
The two convicts in my tank had babies. I didn't mind much because I figured that at some point the other fish in my tank (Larger African Cichlids) would eat them., but its been about 2 months and theres still 40 or so alive. The other fish don't pay them any mind and the parents no longer protect them. If I put guppies or minnows in the tank they are eatin right away. why wont my cichlids eat these fry? Also Im thinking about switching to community fish...will having an empty tank for a few days interupt my bio filter?  

Hi Armad,
 Convicts (including babies) have hard spines in the dorsal (back) and anal (bottom) fins that other fish don't particularly find attractive, particularly as the convicts grow.  Guppies and minnows don't have those spines and that is why many other fish will quickly eat them.

  By "empty", if you mean, with no fish, then that is no problem.  If you mean with no water, then that will definitely interrupt your bio filter.

-- Ron
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