Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > i have just bought a siamese...

i have just bought a siamese...

23 15:05:47

i have just bought a siamese fighter and it is in a bowl of about 3 litre capacity. he is not eating the food that i feed him. it is pellets made for them. i was unaware that they needing heating until reading on here as i live in australia and they are all sold in small little containers with nothing in there at all. am i being cruel to the fish? i have wondered ever since i got him although i have put him in a much larger tank than what he was in because it looked mean to have him in such a small space. he did have stones in there and i thought maybe he fed of the bottom and the food was falling below the rocks and past his reach but i have taken them out now and he has nothing so i dont know what else to do.  

Hi Kylie;

Bettas do need heat and a large enough tank that they have at least 1/2 gallon of water. Get it to a warm place so his water temperature is up to a minimum of 75 fahrenheit and he should start eating again. Change his water once a week to keep it clean and that will help his appetite too.

For more info on bettas and what they need go to;

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