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Sick Sick Fish

23 14:21:22

Hi Tina.  I've got major mayhem in my 30 gallon.  One 9" Wakin goldfish, three white skirt tetras, one pleco.  The goldfish went down first, clamping fins and laying isolated.  Finally after about 4 days, I noticed what I thought was ich (looked like salt) on all fish, treated with CopperSafe.  The next day, all tetras fins were SEVERELY damaged, almost completely gone.  The next day (today), the goldfish is covered with angry red spots, his skin appears to be flaking off, and there is blood-red radiating out on his fins; the gills and mouths of the tetras are raised (don't close all the way).  Also, two of the fish have white streaks on their eyes.  They are suffering so much.  One tetra (was laying on the gravel yesterday) died today, barely had ANY of his tail fin left.  It was gone!!!  My ammon and nitrite raised a little after the CopperSafe, I did a partial w/c and reintroduced some copper to the new water.  I am also using salt (1 tbs. to 5 gallons) and the temp sits at 80.  After the w/c, my parameters are pH 8.2 (from my tap, the wakin and 1 tetra have lived in this pH for four years; I introduced two of the tetras two/three weeks ago).  Ammon .25; nitrite .25; nitrate 20-30 ppm.  I'll note that I was completely cycled and ammon/nitrite free before adding the copper med.  Also, my golfish appeared to be covered with a whitish film right before I noticed the white spots.  The white fish could've had it too, but it might have been unnoticable since they are already white.  I added Melafix yesterday but think I need a stronger anti-biotic.  Do you know what might be going on?  Thanks so much for offering your expertise.
Praying for the fish, Shellee

Shellee,                                                     You have a huge goldie. Your ph is too high. It makes the toxicity of your ammonia higher. You have soft finned tetras.They are very susceptible to the ammonia. You ammonia levels should not be over .05. The coppersafe is great stays in your water for 30 days. Keep your carbon in. I think you are going to lose all your tetras sweety... sorry :(. I think what your goldie is suffering from septicemia. I think your tank is big enough for your goldie and pleco(for now the pleco). Go get some straight tetracycline. Take your carbon out while you treat. Treat for 7 days. Then do a 35% water change and replace new carbon. Sometimes this is brought on by stress, but it is a bacterial infection.Hopefully this will fix the problem. After all this is over treat him to a frozen pea squeezed between your fingers every week ... take the husk out if he doesn't eat it. It will prevent bacterial infections and a slice of orange with half the rind cut off held in a veggie clip you can get from your petshop will give him lots of vitamin c . He will love you for it.  Good Luck, Tina