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algae ecosystem

23 14:21:22

ok i have about a 55g tank and i have some guppies, and well i have a
bunch of different fish and i love them. i kind of dont  really know
what im doing but they don't die and look happy.
what i want to know is how do i get some ecosystem going? a little
algae would be cool.
also all of a sudden i have a lot of blackish brown snails that are
making egg sack inside the water not like mystery snail that makes them
outside the water. thanks guys I've read a bunch of your answers and site
is real cool.
thank you Dave

Hi Dave,
  Wait a little time and you will get some algae whether you want it or not.   The more light on a tank, the more algae you will get.  I'm glad you appreciate algae; most people just want to get rid of it.

-- Ron
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