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Bettas changing colors??

23 13:55:33

Hi. I have 3 female betta fish in a tank.

I've had them for about a year now. They are looking very healthy.

but I've noticed that their colors are beginning to get a little dull. When I first bought them they were brightly colored. Now the blue one is turning sort of brown, the white one is turning.. peach? And the purple one has turned to a dusty blue color.

Is this normal? Is it their food?

They are in a 12 gallon tank and are the only fish in it.

I try to alternate food. They are very picky eaters and only eat some foods. currently they like to eat betta bites by hbh.

Bettas are sold when they are 6-8 months old so your females are nearly two year old which is oldish for a betta so it might be age.

Have you recently changed food?  There are specific flake foods which bring out colours and live food does this aswell :)

Give live foods a go and see if their colours improve :)

Hope this helps and Good Luck
