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Is my fish pregnant??

23 14:37:50

I bought 2 Rosey fan tail fish.  Put them in my established tank with others & noticed after about a week that 1 of them had a swollen belly.  The fish acts fine. At this time I am treating the tank with Maracyn-TC because I was told it may have a bladder infection..?? The fish has been like this for over a month. It's bugging me...What do you suggest, could it or she be pregnant??

Hi Dustie;

If it were a swim bladder infection the fish would not be able to swim correctly. You could keep using the meds but I really don't think it's necessary.

It's possible you have a female with eggs or it could even be as simple as constipation. Try feeding cooked and peeled peas, cooked green beans, raw romaine, raw cucumber slices, and thawed frozen brine srhimp. These all act as laxatives and should be fed to goldfish on a regular basis anyway. Constipation can be a long-term problem that causes bloating like that. Feed only the above foods and no dry food for a few days and see how it goes.

If it's a female with eggs and there is not adequate space or accommodations for breeding or there are no males present, she should just re-absorb the eggs into her body over time. The vegies will help avoid complications while that happens by keeping her digestive system in proper shape.

Be sure the tank is big enough and that weekly water changes of 25% are performed too. Clean tank conditions will prevent almost all diseases and help the fish heal from previous problems too. Here is a good web page about goldfish to help you know about what they need;

I hope she gets better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins