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A few beta questions..

23 14:27:04

I have a few more questions about my betta..
First off, how clean dose my tank need to be? At the moment, the water is about 99% clear, the bottom has a bit of left over food and sutch and the plants and rocks are a little green. Is this ok? Should i clean it? Do beta's need a very clean environment?

Secondly, i love the way my beta flares his fins when he sees his reflection, my question is, dose this stress him out or is it good for him?

nadine and Jasper.

Ok well your tank should be clean with weekly water changes of 25%. You should clean right now then a week from now then keep repeating the smae process. Bettas will thrive with a clean enviroment. The green rocks and plants sound like an algae bloom put some algaefix in the tank, but be sure not to leave the light on more then 10 hours a day. Yes your betta does stress when he flares and when he is stressed he can become sick.