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Alive, side swimming fish

23 14:52:49

I have 3 minnows, and 2 white clouded fish. One of the minnows got stuck between a rock the other day, and I freed the fish. The fish seemed fine. This morning it is swimming on its side and swimming slowly, but it is alive. I would like to know if there is anything that I can do to help the fish.

Hello Katerine-

The little guy probably needs some time to recover - Are any of his fins damaged? Does he still respond to you? I would try dosing the tank with some Melafix or Stresscoat to help him recover from the experience. If the other fish start picking on him, try to move him to a separate tank.

Keep an eye on him, and let me know if anything changes so I can offer you other treatments.
-Amber Worman