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Beta Fish problems

23 15:10:58

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Question -
Hi! My I have a blue beta fish that I have had since September. He lives in a vase with no plant. I recently changed his water since then he refuses to eat, and seems to fill his gills with water in order to float at the top. Can you please help me identify what might be the cause of Pizza's (that's his name) odd behavior?
Answer -
Hi Jill Anne;

Was the new water the same temperature as the old water?
Did you use a water conditioner?

Let me know as soon as you can......

The water temperature was the same as always, but the water level was slightly higher. I did not use a water conditioner

Hi Jill Anne;

It is possible that your water company is using chloramine instead of just chlorine. It doesn't evaporate like chlorine does. It has to be removed by using a water conditioner. If you aren't on a public water system and there aren't any additives, I can't say for sure what could be wrong.
Here are a couple of possibilities;

He may not be warm enough. Try putting him in a warmer area so his water gradually gets warmer. Bettas are tropical fish and even though many are kept in cool water, they don't always do well.

He may have an internal infection of some kind. If he is sinking to the bottom and can't stay up, he may have a swim bladder problem. Use a medication like "Maracyn 2" or "Kanacyn". They get inside to treat infection if this is what is causing his swim bladder to fail. The swim bladder is an organ inside the fish below the spine that helps them to go up in the water by inflating with blood gasses, and deflating again to sink down in the water. When it gets infected or damaged by stress or shock, they often sink to the bottom until it heals. It doesn't always heal, but many fish live long lives this way regardless of their handicap. Just lower the water level so they don't have to go up as far to get air.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins