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bugs in tank????

23 15:02:16

I have had this 10-gallon tank for about 2 months now and can't seems to get anything right with it....Now my new problem is I have just looked in my tank and it seems there are hundreds of what looks like pin-head sized beigie colored bugs in it.  They don't seem to be anywhere on the fish at all (2 guppies, 3 mollies) but they fish seem to be huddling in a corner.  I am pretty sure the chemical levels are OK.  What are these little pests and how can I get rid of them?  Please and thanks.

Hi Angie;

They are just some common little water critters. They are probably feeding on excess food. I've seen them before in tanks that have mostly plants and no fish. Your fish should be eating the bugs but if you are overfeeding the fish they won't be hungry for things they have to 'hunt' for. I overfeed sometimes too. I just have to realize it, clean up after myself and cut back.

To get things back on track, don't feed the the fish at all for the next 3 days. Yep, that's what I said! No food for 3 days! Healthy fish can go for a couple of weeks without food so don't worry. They will start looking at more natural sources of food like those little bugs. The little bugs will also be lacking in food so they won't multiply anymore. Make a 25% water change and vacuum the gravel too. Do the 25% water changes every week as regular maintenance and vacuum the gravel every 2 to 4 weeks. This will keep the tank more tidy so the fish will feel good.

Once the 3 days has passed and you can feed the fish again, start with only a little bit once a day. The fish must consume all the food totally from every area of the tank within 5 minutes. Look around the tank after 5 minutes on the top, the gravel, decorations, etc. If there is any left you are feeding too much. You could feed twice a day if you want to, but the fish must finish all food within 2 minutes. The goal is to give the fish less than 5 minutes to feed in day. Even if they consume it later, too much is eaten and the fish can't digest it properly. More food goes to waste and causes trouble in the tank. Like extra critters....yikes!

Hope your tank is "bug free" very soon!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins