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My Betta not making a Bubble Nest

23 14:02:07

OK. I bought my betta, Bloodfin, from Wal-Mart. After a few days I get a female from a pet store and a week later Bloodfin killed her. I'm trying to mate him soooo I look for another female. MY WAL-MART NOW SELL FEMALE BETTA YAY! so I get a female from Wal-Mart (call me cheap :))This time I keep the female next to Bloodfins tank, so he can build a bubble nest and not chase her. SOOOOO they are flaring at each other and yes I have a filter and the tank is 10 gallons. When Bloodfin lived in a goldfish bowl he use to build a bubble nest, but ever since he saw female he doesn't build them. I turn the filter off because that make be ruining the nest. To tell you the truth them confuse!!! I been reading about how to breed them, and I do every thing right the only thing I don't have is the heater. WHAT I'M I DOING WRONG!!

Hey Perdita

Bettas need a heater!!!!!!

Get a heater and heat the tank so the temperature is between 77 and 81 degrees.

That will make bloodfin happier.keep them  in different tanks and when the bubble nest has been made and the female looks plump, put her in Bloodfin's tank and see waht happens.

As soon as she releases the eggs take her out as he will attack her and try to protect the eggs.

Bubble nests are only made if the fish is happy, get the heater to make them happy.

Good luck with the breeding,     Jack