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new fresh water pond

23 15:09:53

hi chris- thankyou for your time.  i just finished building a freshwater pond. i purchased 6 goldfish and two bottom feeders. i have a freshwater creek in my backyard and i noticed there were thousands of polywogs everywhere.  i caught a lot of them to put in the pond.  i must have had over a hundred of them. everything looked great, the fish were happy and so were the polywogs. anyway a few days later when i got up i went out to the pond to find that every polywog was gone! all of them! what happened to them. there were too many for the fish to eat, i think. do you have any answers?
thankyou and God bless you, jon

Hi Jon;

I don't usually answer pond questions, but I will try. You may have had an unwelcome visitor to your pond! There are many animals, (birds, turtles, large frogs, racoons, cats) that will come to ponds and eat the tadpoles and the fish. That seems the only logical answer if the fish don't have mouths big enough to eat them. It doesn't seem likely that they would have grown legs and hopped away yet. I'm glad they didn't get your fish! Watch out in case they come back, whatever it was.

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Chris Robbins

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