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Peacock Ciclids

23 11:45:38

I have three in my tank and can't tell a female from a male.  Please give me some idea as to how to tell.  One is blue, one is rust colored and the other is gray with very colorful fins.  The third one I was told when I bought it was a female.  The blue one is the bully and chases everything in the tank.  I have a 26 bowfront tank.  I just want to know how to tell male from female.  Thanks for your help.

Hi Dennis,
  There are many hundreds of species from east Africa and about fifty of them are in the genus Aulonocara, which are known as the peacock cichlids.  In almost all the peacocks, the males are colorful and the females are gray/tan with basically clear fins and much smaller.  It doesn't sound to me like any of your fish are females.   It does sound like you have males of three different species.

-- Ron
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