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fish compatiblitly

23 11:45:37

hi was just wondering what where good tankmates for blood parrot cichlids,firemouth cichlids and festive cichlids. i was thinking about a salvini,a severum,a few kribensis,a jack dempsey or texas i would just like a list or to no if these fish are compatible together if not could you please supply a suitable list. thank you

Hi Sammy,
 A really important issue is the size of your tank.  For instance, if you were talking about a 20 gallon tank, I would not have any tankmates for a parrot cichlid.   If you have a 100 gallon tank, with a lot of stucture (wood, rock, plants) then you could put many other species in with them, including salvini, severums, jack dempseys and texas cichlids.  I would not put kribensis in there.  

-- Ron
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