Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Lyndon


23 11:20:31

QUESTION: Hi Lynda.  I changed Lyndon's tank again this morning.  The only additives I'm using are stress coat and aquarium salt. I have to say that Lyndon didn't have his usual spunk when I tried to catch him to move him from one tank to another, which isn't surprising after not eating for so long.  He's kind of just hanging in the bottom of the tank now but I know we've done everything possible to help make him better.  Maybe as you said there's some internal problem we can't see.  I bought him a floating betta log today but haven't put it in the tank yet.  I'm not sure that introducing something new at this point would be the best thing for him.  I'm grasping at straws and you said he should have something to go through and I thought this might work.  At least he's back in a peaceful place, the pH and temperature are stable, and I don't know what more we can do.  I hope you have a god weekend.
Take care,

You have done everything you can for Lyndon, and there is nothing more you can do.  If you see that he is suffering, here is a site that should help you to put him to sleep:

I hope that it won't come to this.  I still have hope that he will eventually eat.  What is so surprising is that he does not look sick in his pictures, but you will feel it if he is suffering.  I'm sorry we couldn't save him, but still have hope.
Have a nice weekend.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again, Lynda.
Thank you for the link to the euthanasia site.  I looked at it and cried when I read it.  I don't think Lyndon is there yet but as far as I can tell, I don't think he's eaten.  I've seen him go to the top when I have a couple of pellets floating but I think it's just by coincidence and I've never seen him eat anything.  I think I see a new development though - I can see white on the tips of his ventral fins, which are always clamped now.  Does this mean anything?  I've taken a bunch more pictures for you and will send the clearest one, but it's hard to get a good picture.  I used the flashlight to see the white tips but they're definitely there and those fins are always so tightly closed now.  I still can't see any signs of suffering although I can't imagine how he can feel good after not eating for so long.  I've lost track of how long but I know it's a very long time.  Unfortunately, we're leaving Sunday for a week's vacation.   I have neighbors who will come feed him/look in on him, if I still have a fish by then.  Hope all's well with you and that Minnie is behaving!

Hi Pat,
Clamped fins indicate parasites, so I would try "Coppersafe"  Maybe this will help him.  He may have parasites.  Another good medication is "Kordon Ick Attack"  here is what it says about this medication:

100% Organic Herbals Based On Naphthoquinones For Fresh and Saltwater Aquarium and Pond Conditions
Helps Prevent And Treat Single-Celled External Fish Diseases Caused By White Spot Disease (Ich), Other Protozoans, Dinoflagellates, and Fungus
Equally Effective In Fresh And Salt Water
Does Not Require Water Changes Between Treatments
Safe For Use With Aquatic Invertebrates (Snails, Shrimp, Crabs, Coral, Anemones, etc.)
Made in U.S.A.

I have read good reviews about this medication.  Since it is Organic, it will not harm Lyndon, and it is good for parasites, as well as fungus which he seems to be getting.   Maybe, just maybe this could help him.  I am worried about him, and was anxious to hear from you.

Minnie has done it again...She was crying to go out, so I tied her up as usual.  I usually check on her every 10 minutes, but I got an important phone call.  Then there was a knock at my door.  Apparently she had turned around, and around the table, and chairs I have outside, and managed to almost hang herself.  The passer-by went to free her, and she bit him.  His hand was really bleeding, so I drove him to the hospital where he got a tetanus shot.  Minnie has all the needles she should have, but gee, she can be a real pain.  Now I have to put my table, and chairs where she cannot reach them, I'll probably end up cutting the tree down  My friends all say I should put her to sleep, but you know that is the last thing I would do.  I love the little brat, but everyone else can stand her.  lol  I will never know what kind of life she had before I picked her up, but I do know it wasn't a nice one.  I have had her for 6 years now, and she only trusts me, nobody else.  When I leave, I can't leave for long unless I take her with me.  Nobody wants to keep Minnie, and to leave her at the vets in a cage ...I just can't do Minnie is her own worst enemy.  She is so small, but scary when she shows those teeth.  Even the vet won't see her unless I give her a tranquilizer before going to see him.  Can you believe?!?  lol
Keep me posted on Lyndon, it seems almost impossible that he hasn't eaten yet.  He must be really sick, and he could have something wrong with his internal organs, which could be swelled up inside of him, and make him look healthy.  It's a wonder he is still alive.  Is he still afraid when you go near his tank?  I wish we could cure him, he obviously wants to live, poor little man.  Let's hope he improves this week before you leave on vacation.  