Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > is my betta sick or dying?

is my betta sick or dying?

23 14:47:57

I have had my betta fish for about 7 months now and all of a sudden he is starting to float on his side through out the day.  I didn't know if this was a sign of dying, sick, or what. thanks for you help


Hello Shealyn-

When bettas start floating on their sides, it's not a good sign. Is he still eating? Does he respond to you? If so, he may be able to be nursed back to health, but if he has stopped eating and doesn't notice you, he is probably near the end. :(

If he is still eating and responding, I would add some aquarium salt to the tank, along with a dose of Melafix. Be sure the water is nice and warm (80 F or higher.) Wrap a towel around the bowl to shield him from stress and light - but be sure to leave the top open for air exchange.

Hopefully this is useful.
-Amber Worman