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can these fish be together in one tank

23 11:12:50

i have a 30 gal tank with starter fish in it now and its a sandy bottom tank, the sand in quikrete play sand and its about a inch and a half high. in two weeks i want to add 3 fish, a red devil, violet goby, and a teacup sting rey. can these fish stay together in one tank withought the red devil killing them? i plan on putting them in at the same time and while there still little or around the same size. also will 72 be a good temp for them all?

I thinknthe red devil will be too aggressive, and rays are really terrible starer fish, I'm sorry to say. Teacup rays get over 30 pounds and I haven't seen even a pup do well in a tank that size. A violet goby would be ok, but they do best with live food, and are often shipped improperly so they soon die.

These are all excellent fish, but I recommend getting a year or two more of experience as they can be quite difficult to keep.

Are there any other fish you like, or would you like it if I introduced you to a few?

Sorry I couldn't be more of a help.