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What to put in Tank

23 15:09:16

I have a 180 gallon fish tank that has been up and running for months now.  I have 2 very large tiger oscars an albino oscar a jack dempsy a texas and a fire mouth. Oh and a giant pleco.  I have some things in the tank like a fake log and a two piece boat thing.  I wanted to put some other things in the tank so they can hide and make the tank look full.  I was looking a texas holey rock on and the stores always want you to buy the most expensive piece they have.  Can you give me suggestions on what to buy that would be good for the fish to hide in.  Would the holey rock be ok, I dont want to hurt the fish.


Hi John;

I don't have any experience with holey rock. There are many I have never actually used because I live in a rural area. It costs too much to ship here, even from wholesalers.

I posted your question over on the freshwater forum to get the opinion of the hobbyists and experts there. Here is the link to the forum;

Look under General Discussions. The message is titled; "Rock Hideouts for Cichlids in 180 gallon"

Chris Robbins