Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Irridescent Shark

Irridescent Shark

23 15:05:49

Follow-up question,
My fish is about 3" long right now.
My tank has been set up for about 2 months.
I have 2 other mollies in the tank with him. They're not big at all.
I feed him shrimp pellets and I feed the mollies tropical flakes.
The water temp. is between 76f and 78f.
I change about 20 - 30 percent of the water every week.

I hope my little guy will be okay. I appreciate you responding so soon. Thanks!

Hi Alisha;

I hope he will be okay too. He is probably affected by new tank syndrome. Toxins during this time will burn the skin. It may be preventing him from healing. If he doesn't improve in the next couple of days you may want to add a product like Melafix to help his skin heal. It is a natural remedy that is safe and inhibits infection.  

You are doing exactly right with water changes and by starting slow with just a few fish. Keep up the good work!

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins