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Bug Eyed Molly

23 11:12:12

I currently started 2 tanks one is 30 gal and one is 3 gal, in the 30 gal I have 1 molly, 3 small Tetra's a small guppy and a frog. Recently my molly got bug eyed and unsure why. I changed the water (at 50%) but still not doing well, I have read that adding salt would help, but I'm not sure of adding salt with the others in the water. Will this harm them? In the small tank I have 1 molly, and a Loaches, the molly in the small tank is fine with no problems. Any advise would be helpful. Thank you


 Remove the fish with pop eye and place it in your hospital tank. Do not add any salt to the tank that is housing the frog. Make sure whatever medication you use that you follow all the directions. Veering off just a little can be harmful to your fish. Pop eye is due to either an injury or poor water quality. If it is poor water, make sure you are doing weekly water changes. Do not over feed your fish. This leads to bad water quality. Hope this all helps.