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My fish, Orlando (again)

23 11:21:04

I want to talk about the concerns I have with how my Betta eats. I tried feeding him Betta Bites, but he won't eat those. I also tried the BettaMin flakes, and he'll eat those, but only if some start to float to the bottom(I have even seen him nibble at small bits at the bottom). I thought Bettas ate food at the top of the water.
(This is a side note, but right now, I noticed Orlando is almost all the way in his castle and he is -this may sound stupid- looking upward. Does that mean anything? Usually he looks directly ahead out of his castle.)

Hi Gabby,
Bettas rarely eat at the bottom of a tank.  They usually eat at the top, but I guess there must be some exceptions since Orlando will eat at the bottom.  I do not know the reason why.  He should have variation in his diet.  Betta flakes are good, but try to feed him daphnia since this will help him with his digestive system.  He should also have bloodworms now, and then, as a treat.  Feed him one cooked frozen pea a week.  Cut the pea into tiny pieces, and feed them one at a time to Orlando, making sure he eats them.  On the day you choose to feed him the pea, feed him nothing else.  This is so he can clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease to which the Betta is prone.
Why he is looking upwards, I do not know...nothing serious.