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My Betta fishs behavior

23 11:21:05

roughly two weeks ago,I received a male red Betta fish as a gift. For the first few days, he seemed very distant and scared. I got him some pebbles, a castle, and a "betta bed" and he appeared more happier and playful. Well, I had to leave for a few days and during that time I found out he wasn't fed. When I came back, he acted as if he didn't recognize me and hid in his little castle more often than he usually did. Also, when I tried to peak at him on his Betta bed, he frantically swam off; he never did that before. I don't know why he is acting skittish. I really don't know what to do; he won't even chase my finger anymore....

Hi Gabby,
You can leave a Betta without food for a few days, this will not affect him.  When you say pebbles, do you mean seashells or rocks?  If you have put in seashells, do a complete water change, and remove the pebbles as they make the water too alkaline for the Betta.  Marbles, or gravel that you find at the pet shop are a much better choice.  Wash them well, before adding them to your tank.  Is his water too cold?  A betta must be kept in 80 degree water.  He is a tropical fish, and needs heated water.  If his water is too cool, the betta is miserable, and will eventually get sick.  He needs a heater to keep his water stable.  When heating the water for a betta this must be done very very slowly.  Bring his temperature up one degree every two days.  You will also need a thermometer.  You find these at the Pet Store, or Walmart.  Be careful not to bring the temperature up too quickly.  
For a betta to be afraid, something is stressing him.  It could be the water, or it could be something as simple as knocking on the glass tank, or too much light.  You must try to see what is the cause.  
You did not mention the size of his tank, so I cannot give you more information.