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Hole in head disease w/ betta

23 11:29:10

I have a male betta with hole in the head disease. He has been in 0 fights, because he is alone in his 2 gallon tank. What can i do?
Will salt help?
Please Awnser!!

Hi Henry,
Hole in the head is often due to poor water quality, and poor diet.  Stress also causes disease.  Like humans, fish need vitamins, and minerals that they find in different foods.  Varying food for our fish, and keeping their water clean free of ammonia, and nitrites prevents disease.  Change your betta's water completely using a good water conditioner such as "Stress Coat" or "AquaPlus"  A betta should have all of his water changed 1-2 times a week in a 2 gallon tank, always using a good water conditioner.  Bettas are tropical fish, and need a heated tank.  There water temperature should be 80-82 degrees.  Under this temperature the betta is cold, and will get sick.  If you do bring up his temperature do this very slowly.  Bring up his temperature one (1) degree every two days.  Bringing up his temperature too quickly would cause death.  Add one teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt to his water, and every time you change his water.  Pet stores have medication for Hole in the Head disease.  Follow the directions on the package, and be careful not to overdose.
I hope he pulls through.