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Set up new tank!

23 14:02:16

Hey Nick,

I have a tank 30"x12"x12"

i have a fluval 4 with a 150 watt heater and a 50 watt light.

i havent got fish in there yet but i want to but i need help if you don't mind.

I plan on doing 25% water changes weekly.

I would like to know what starter fish are good and how many fish could i have? Also, sorry one more question what fish go well together,

Thanks a lot    Joseph

Hello Joseph!

Before you put in any fish, you will need to cycle your tank.

Here's some quick info on cycling (copy and paste into browser).

There are other articles, just type in aquarium cycling on google.

Your water changes depends on your fish, but 40% weekly is ususally the minimum. Or 20% twice a week.

Next up, I need to know what you like!
There are hundreds of beginner fish, and the possible combinations are endless. Do some quick research. Look up some fish stuff online.
LiveAquaria has a nice selection of fish with some pics and info to look at. Or badmanstropicalfish, or aquahobby, or aquaticcommunity. Look around at your local pet store even. When you see some fish you like, I can tell you which would be best and how many of each.
