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my tank is still occupied

23 11:12:07

QUESTION: Maybe a dwarf groumi. Lol ill just go to the petshop and check what they have anything that grows from 2 inches to 4 inches

ANSWER: Prolly the best thing

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QUESTION: What can you tell me about the chanchito? I know its a cichlid... Can it go with the firemouth and the convict and the acura and maybe terror or maybe i can take the acura out

ANSWER: Hello again, well for starters, the firemouth is the odd ball out of the 5. Its native origin is central america, whereas the green terror, convict, and acara cichlids are all native to south america. The Chanchito, otherwise known as the Brazilian zebra cichlid, is also native to south america, however, it lacks affinity with other south american cichlids. Anyway, its name, chanchito, was derived from its natural eating habit, which mean, little pig. It is an omnivorous fish that roots, hence, little pig. It feeds on frozen prepared or live foods. It usually grows to around 4-d inches. I'm actually surprised to hear of someone with an interest in these cichlids. They are actually the first cichlid introduced into germany for the hobby! The second aquarium fish to be kept! We're talkin back in the late 1800's. It is now rarely imported and mostly forgotten. There are 4 different species that I know of, cichlasoma facetum, cichlasoma autochton, cichlasoma oblongun, and cichlasoma tembe which is the most recent species that has a longer body shape. The other species are more of an oval shape body, large lips  with awesome changing hues of colors on its body. Its very similar to the convict cichlid for reference, but more appealing. It is very hardy, great for the beginner aquariast. It doesn't require soft water due to them bein from the coastal waters  and is tolerable to cold water temperatures as well. Breeding water temps should be around 68-80 degrees if you become interested. Like all cichlids though, its a fighter and a digger so if you keep it be sure to provide ample hiding spaces to minimize aggression and stress. I do think it would be worth it to get, but maybe not with all of the types of fish you have in your tank right now. As always,if you need any more help, feel free to contact me. Good luck.   

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QUESTION: 2-3 inch crayfish/crawfish.... i just got one for the 1.5 gallon ank but i think the water was too cold so i put him in the 30 gallon... bad???? i hope it doesnt eat the fishes...... what can you tell me about them they are hard to find online

Well, the crayfish, crawdad, etc, whatever you want to call it, is pretty much just a small version of a lobster. They like small currents, and are usually found in streams and brooks in the wild. Great addition to the aquarium. It probably won't mess with any of the fish unless it gets extremely hungry, or if it encounters smaller fish which I don't think you have in there. They will eat any leftover food in the tank, I had mine eat algae wafers for plecos before, they eat plants, and live or dead fish etc. Make sure you keep the water quality in check with them. They don't tolerate dirty water easily. Hope this helps.