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fin injury

23 13:56:12

Several years ago me moved into a new home, and on the lanai we found an aquarium with 3 goldfish and two pl.  The water was half gone; it's a wonder they survived.  They have thrived, but today we noticed that one of the goldfish has a 'bend' in it's left fin.  It looks like there is a little cartilage showing, but i'm not certain.  If it were an arm it would be considered broken.  Do you have any idea what would cause her fin to appear as though it's been broken?  Is there anything I can or should do?  Thank you for your time Ron.  God bless you.       Chloe

Hi Chloe,
  Most likely the fin was broken (maybe by the fish jamming into something).  There really isn't anything you can do about it. I doubt
if it will bother the fish much.   

-- Ron
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