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gold fish sick

23 14:11:29

QUESTION: i have 4 gold fish one is bloated, one is hanging around the bottom on his side swimming in circles the other two seem fine , we have treated water with fungus clear, and removed 25 % of water, vacuumed rock and the size of the tank is 10 gallon sun Mon and Tues. removed filter for the fungus treatment then replaced, how soon will it take to see results from the fungus clear and should i start treatment over again in a couple of days? Fish look so sad

ANSWER: Hi Kristen,
I guarantee you that if you put all your goldfish into a much larger tank they will survive. A ten gallon unfortunately is too small for even one goldfish. There are several reasons for this, one of the most important being that they are large bodied and produce a lot of waste, and therefore produce mass amounts of ammonia. So the smaller the tank, the quicker it fills with ammonia and the harder it is to keep them alive. And even if you had the best filtration system and did constant water changes, they grow too large - at 6 inches each, they wouldn't even be able to turn around!
So buy them a larger tank - at least 40 gallons. Or return all but one and get a 20 gallon and they will be fine. You should also consider getting a higher quality filter to help your water quality stay good, and you can add aquarium salt to help prevent sickness.
Until you get a larger tank, I'm afraid, they are most likely not going to make it. My best to you.

Follow Up: That should be fine, but make sure the water quality is good and it's not much colder than 65 degrees. And you'll want to float the fish in bags in the pond for about 10 minutes to let them acclimate to the temp in the pond. Hope that works out for you.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again, I am waiting for it to warm up where I live so I can put my fish into the pond but as of now, my goldfish that was swimming on its side and is now swimming in spiral circles looks pretty bad off, I put it in a hospital tank and gave it a few peas and put in a little bit of fungus cleaner for swimmers bladder in the water. Should this help?

It may or may not help. The best thing for him at this point is a LOT of fresh, clean water. Keep his water clean and get him into a larger tank as soon as you can. You can buy a ten gallon tank without a hood for about 11 bucks at most Petsmarts. That is not the ideal size but it's better than nothing.