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My Babies (Red-Cap-Orandas)

23 14:45:10

well i have two Red Cap Orandas both a little over a year i got them both at the same time they where very small and seemed kinda sick in the pet store but i think i made them healthy and happy up til now... its just them and my other big fish not sure what he is. i have had him for 3 years now. but my Red Cap Oranda with more red on his head has been acting werid he dosnt seem to want to eat and has 2 red streaks on his tail fin and is sitting at the bottom and my other Red Cap Oranda with less red has been eating and has no streaks but when he isnt eating he sits with the other at the bottom my big fish dosnt seem phased by it ... the tank is about 50 gallons but im not 100% its big tho and its only my 3 fish its kept up and everything and i give then peas i was told that when from the pet store i got them all. i like to think my fish look happy and are happy but my Red Cap Orandas dont seem like that lately PLEASE HELP =( i love my fishes ..thank u

Hi Tiffany;

He may have developed a bacterial infection that has spread to his vascular system (blood vessels). It is known as "Hemorrhagic Septicemia",  often caused by bacteria such as aeromonas. Stress to the immune system of your fish such as elevated ammonia in the water from fish waste or from a toxin known as nitrate (or 'NO3') can cause fish to become infected. Fish tanks all need a 25% water change and gravel vacuuming every week to keep this toxin under control. It is a natural result of biological filtration and rises very high otherwise. Make a 25% water change every day for 3 days in a row to help get the tank in better shape so he can heal. Vacuum the gravel too. He may need to be treated with "Kanamycin" or "Maracyn 2" if he doesn't get better after the water changes. Here are some web pages with information about these types of infections;

Another page with treatment options and other tips;

This is one is informative as well;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins