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stocking a 36g bowfront tank

23 11:07:58

i have a 36g bowfront tank with live plants and just finish with its fishless cycling. It have two AQUEON Filter (70g total filtration) and heater set at 79*F. i can put the following fish in my tank:
4 Dwarf Gourami (2 in)
2 Gold Gourami (5.5 in)
2 Common anglefish (6 in)
2 Ablino Corycat (2 in)
1 Peppered Cory cat (2.5 in)
Thank you very much :))

Too many fish.

1 inch of fish per 1.5 gallons.  In a 36 gallon, you can have a total length of fishes of 24" at most, and if you have angelfishes, adults require at least 20 gallons apiece to survive.

I hope you find this helpful.

Happy fish-keeping and good luck.