Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Shubunkin constantly hiding

Shubunkin constantly hiding

23 12:01:48


I've kept 2 Shubunkin for about a year with no problems.  Two weeks ago, I moved them to a larger tank (25l) and introducted a Fantail, some new plastic plants, a light and a "treasure chest" ornament.  

Everything was fine for the first week.  The second week, all 3 fish have taken to almost constantly hiding inside the treasure chest.  I didn't think it would be big enough for one of them but all 3 constantly go in there togther and only come out for food.  Whilst feeding they all seem perfectly fine, but go straight back in the chest after feeding.

Is there anything wrong with them?  Should I remove the chest?


ANSWER: Hi Gina,
Most fish like hiding places, and I guess they have all adopted the treasure chest.  Fantails like to have some kind of toy to go in and out of...maybe if you would put something else in for them to play with, but keep the treasure chest in there too. Make sure that the ornament is big enough so that they don't get stuck in it. I don't think there is anything wrong with them.  They are eating well, and show no signs of sickness.  Put another ornament in, and see what happens.
It is odd that all three of them go into the chest.  Make sure that you have enough oxygen, and get back to me is you see anything on them that would indicate they were sick.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Thank you for your advice and prompt answer.  

This morning I found all three of them in there again as usual.  They came out to feed but now I've noticed a reddish mottling on the 2 shubunkin.  It's patchy and over most of their bodies.  Are they possibly bruising by cramming themselves into such a small space?  They're still swimming normally and look active enough (before they go straight back into the chest that is!).

I'll check the oxygen and add another (larger) ornament, but am now worried about the mottling and would appreciate your further advice.




Hi Gina,
As you know I am not an expert on Goldfish, but will try to help you as much as I can.  When fish eat, they should be normal.  Sick fish do not eat.  Could it be that your goldfish is growing?  Silly question I know, but Shubunkins have beautiful patches of red, and orange.  If you have ruled that out, then treat with Malafix.  Malafix is a natural medecine, and is very good.  When adding new fish to an aquarium, I would always give them a small treatment of Malafix.
Before adding Malafix to your water, please check it first to make sure you don't have ammonia, or nitrates in it.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.  You can buy these small test kits at the Pet Store, and they should be number one in your fish cabinet.  If your ammonia is safe, and your nitrates too, then you can treat your fish.  If not, do water changes until you get it down to safe, then treat.  Always use a good water conditioner.
Hope this helps