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Black Moor eye ailment

23 14:12:30

My guy has developed a red cyst/tumor "not sure" beneath his right lens on the outer edge of his cornea. Is there anything I can do?

Hello Lori,

Thanks for the question.  As I am not that fluent with goldfish, I will try to answer this to the best of my knowledge.  From what I understand of this, it may be Septicemia.  This can be treated if you can quarantine this fish and give it a 75% water change, and add a broad spectrum anti-biotic as directed on the box.  You should be able to find this at your local fish store.  Most often causes are from poor water quality, and high levels of ammonia.  Make sure ph is around 6.5-7.2 and ammonia is reduced to 0.  What other symptoms does your fish have?  Is it listless, sluggish, is it eating or not eating?  Or is it just this small cyst?  Also, I know difficult to tell on a black moor, but is there swollen or red streaks on the fins at all?  I will await your answers before I go further.

