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55 Gallon

23 11:31:40

I have a 55 gallon planted tank along with another 55  gallon with jack dempseys. I am selling the 55 gallon with the jack's . I want to move the planted tank to where the other one is. I was wondering is there a way to move the tank with out completely draining it. Maybe draining out 3/4 the water and moving it with a something like a jack or anything in your experience to move a tank?

Hi Matt,
 I would think carefully before doing this. First of all, even a partially full 55 still weighs quite a bit, particularly if it has a bunch of gravel and/or rock in it.  Secondly, why do you not
want to take out the water?   When I move large tanks, which I do all the time, I drain the water into clean buckets, leaving maybe an inch, move the tank, then put that same water right back in.

 I would never use a jack or other metal tool to move a tank -- the odds of the metal contacting the glass and breaking it are just too great.  All it takes is one sharp smack in just the right spot and your tank will shatter (been there, done that).  

-- Ron C.
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