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Betta fish food

23 11:18:13

I have 2 Betta fish and went to the pet shop to get some more food recently and the lady recommended these sinking pellets. The pellets are quite large, a few mm in diameter, and one of my fish has trouble eating them so I was wondering if it is ok to crush the pellets into smaller bits.
Also as sinking pellets obviously sink,and quite quickly, when they are at the bottom amoungst decorative rocks can the fish find the food?

Thnks very much.

Hi Sarah,
 Hmm... that seems like an odd choice for bettas.  They are surface dwelling fish so the last thing I would get would be large sinking pellets.  Flake food is fine or small non-sinking pellets would be good.

 BTW, yes, you can crush the pellets into smaller bits.

-- Ron C.
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