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Frog with Dropsy

23 14:36:14

I have a female aqua frog that is 6+ yrs old.  6 days ago I noticed she was extremely bloated.  I immediately researched and realized she had dropsy.  I went to the pet store and got some aquarium salt and maracyn-two.  I treated her water, per instructions on the package.  I have treated her water daily with the maracyn-two, but am seeing no improvement.  In fact, I think she's getting worse.  This is awful...I don't want to see her suffer.  I was told that perhaps another antibiotic might work.  Do you have any experience with dropsy?  Am I doing all I can?  What other treatments might I try?

Hey Cyndi,

For the record, afraican dwarf frogs typically dont live past 3 or 4 years. The fact that yours is 6, is absolutely amazing. You must be an amazing pet lover, and take extra good care of it! At that age, you can't expect it's immune system to recover from infection, and because it now has dropsy, I'm assuming it recently had one you were unaware of. Dropsy is typically uncurable, and i have never heard of a case where any treatment of any kind worked. Just keep your frog happy and comfortable, with a good brine shrimp or bloodworm diet. You can continue treatments, to prevent over fish from getting sick, but I wouldn't expect dropsy to spread, or the treatment to help your frog. I'm sorry! But keep in mind, your frog is very, very old and has lived a long, and very happy, healthy life!