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Blue Dempsey sluggish

23 15:00:40

I just purchased 4 Blue Dempsey 1" cichlids from a local fish store yesterday (Jan. 26, 2006). The problem is that one of them always hides in the driftwood and looks like its already dead. And then all of a sudden, it darts out, swims frantically around, then goes back to his hiding place. I also sometimes see it on the gravel, just sitting there like its listless or tired.

The other 3 Blues are all okay, swimming around the tank and just being themselves. What could be the problem? You think I just got a bad fish?

The Blue Dempseys are in a 50 gallon tank, along with 2 2" Surinams and 1 4" Pleco. The Surinams and the Pleco dont bother them at all. I have a Seaquest pump (2200L/H) connected to an OHF.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Im quite worried since the Dempseys are expensive fish and I'd really be depressed to have one die on me...

Hi Sean,
   That does sound very odd.  It is possible that the little guy has some problems or that he got attacked at some point and is still recovering.  That certainly isn't normal behavior.

-- Ron
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