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recommend catfish

23 15:11:37

Hi Chris-

Could you recommend a catfish?
I keep SA Dwarf cichlids and would like a smaller cat that will eat algae but not live plants as my tank is planted and has driftwood. It does not have to be too small like the ott cat but I am not looking for a specimen that would get above about 8".
125g Long, new tank
sa dwarfs and dithers(neon tetras) numbers to be determined
internal wet dry
ph 6.5, GH 3, KH 5, new tank I will wait for the cycle complete



Hi Erik;

Bristlenose plecostomus and clown plecostomus are good ones to have. They get about 6 inches and eat algae.

Most plecostomus will not bother broad-leafed plants as long as there is algae for them to feed on. If you have delicate plants or plants with small leaves, (cabomba, elodea, etc.) any algae eater will nibble them. Just too good to resist!

Followups welcome.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins