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Homemade Decor Safety...

23 11:04:51

Hi Jaymie! I'm interested in creating decor for my tank that isn't super expensive like pet store products are. I've done some research and found that some people use things like Legos to build shelters, or cut water bottles and (after sanding the edges, of course) use them as tunnels. This sounds fantastic, but would the plastic being in the water harm the fish? Or are water bottles and Legos safe for fish after a good rinsing?


Yes, it is ok to use those things. As for the water bottle, I cut them and then get silicone that is safe for aquariums, put it on the edges then take a piece of air tubing, cut a slit in it and then place it over the edges. Works great in all my tanks. PVC piping also works well. Just boil the legos and bottle for at least 20 minutes. Also, make sure you get all the glue off the bottle that holds the label on. Then just keep and eye on the things you are adding and the fish. If they start acting strange, make sure the decorations are still in perfect condition.