Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Angel Fish Problem?

Angel Fish Problem?

23 11:15:02

QUESTION: Hi. I have a 6 litre bi-orb tropical fish tank and have currently 6 fish in it, 1 black molly, 1 dalmatian molly, 1 female dwarf gourami and 2 male dwarf gourami's. A few days ago the angel fish had what looked like a stringy sort of flesh coming out out of the angel fish where it poops. What got me worried was that the other fish were eating this and putting the angel fish under great discomfort. I was sure that it would die the next morning but to my surprise it didn't. It wouldn't eat any food and was evading all the other fish. Then it just suddenly went back to normal. This stringy thing was quite thick too, so at first glance I thought it could of been the fishes guts, but since it's still alive I must of been wrong. Do you know what this could of been or whether it could happen again and if it did, could I somehow help it. I thought about moving the fish to another area but did not want to stress it anymore.

 Unfortunately your angelfish has a serious intestinal infection.   There are various medications that claim to treat such things often calling it Hexamita, but the success rate is not terribly good.  Most importantly, do lots and lots of water changes. That really helps the fish fight the infection to have good, clean water.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Do you know how long this infection can last for because for a few days it has been fine or does it not show any other symptoms?

Hi Sam,
  The infection can be brief or it can be long lasting or it can be fatal.  If the fish is not
showing any signs of it anymore, consider that a really good sign.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>