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Mt betta is sick

23 11:07:31

Ok so I just got a betta fish two weeks ago. Since hes been here he hasn't eaten anything. For the past few days he has been laying on his side on the bottom of his bowl and he rarely moves. Also just today i noticed that he has a small lump on his side just behind his gill. What is wrong with him and what can I do to help?

His water is too dirty, Ashton.  Although it looks clean, it's not.  You've got to clean out his aquarium, even if it's 5 gallons, every single week.  He's got to have lots of clean, flowing water, through the filter.

How often are you cleaning out his aquarium?  What kind of filter is on it?  I sure hope he's not in some kind of bowl like you see on Tv...a lot of people don't know how cruel that is to the fish, nor that it kills them very fast.  Bettas do require an aquarium of at least five gallons.  

If in a bowl, my recommendation is soak him in 2 teaspoons of dissolved salt, in that bowl, for a half hour, and then take him and put him into a full aquarium, with filtration.  He should recouperate asap.

Happy fish-keeping. :)