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Sick betta / Velvet Disese?

23 11:07:30

Hi Jaymie,
I hope you can guide me as to what to safely do next to help my betta fish. Please advise...

Tank Size:      2.5 gal.
(tank has divider/ recently purchased 2 betta/ 1 female & 1 male)

Symptoms: Blue male has gold colored haze from mouth- 1/2 of body
         Resting on the bottom & only up to get air
         Will take food pellet if given when rising for air
         Some flecking motion at times but seems to be getting

Female has died.

Treatment: I have used Biosperes Maracide & covered the tank to
           raise temperature & lower the light.

I know these creatures are small but they are important. Please give me any hopeful advice ASAP. Thank you in advance for your time.

Best regards,


Unfortunately there really isn't anything else you can do but treat him and see if it works. Just make sure you follow the directions on the bottle and do not overdose him. A medication called RidIch is an awesome one to have. If you cannot find that one Malachite Green would be my next choice. Hope this has helped.