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kissing gurami

23 15:08:18

I haave  a small cat fish and an algie eater in the tank with my gurami. He has no spotsor marks. the tank is a 10 gallons. We change the filter about once every 2 weeks. HE is still very active chasing the other fish. My husband said I was feeding him too much.andrea

Hi Andrea;

I really need the whole letter of our previous correspondence to be able to followup with you. Can you copy and paste it in another followup to me? I will go back to see if I can find it, but sometimes I can't. Sorry about that. I answer up to 10 questions a day and sometimes don't remember the details of each one. I just want to be sure your fish gets the help it needs with no mistakes.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins