Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Silver mollie acting very weird, .......... :-(

Silver mollie acting very weird, .......... :-(

23 11:58:14

Hello i have a 10 gallon tank, i have an undergravel filter, i have 6 fish in the
tank.  My silver mollie that started to shaking violently as if it was having a
seizure, then it just stopped moving and only moves if another fish bumps it. its
in the top corner of my tank facing upwards. i don't know what to do. i really,
really don't want it to die. please help me.... thanks

Hi Brenda,

It's extremely important for me to know how long your tank has been set up and who the tank mates are.  This helps me determine the problem and the appropriate solution.  Without knowing these things it's a shot in the dark.  Also, what are your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate readings?  If these are off it can cause parasites which would make a fish twitch and become lethargic as you have described.

It's likely at this advanced stage that the fish won't make it.  If you want any chance of saving her I would put her in a 10 gallon tank of her own with a heater and filter.  Even a clear plastic rubbermaid container would do.  I would add gravel and plants from the main tank to cycle it (provided the main tank is cycled), double dose the Seachem's Prime in the quarantine tank water and add 1 tsp. per 5 gallons of water of aquarium salt as this will relieve stress.  Do not feed her for 3 days.

I really can't make a recommendation on further treatment until I know a little more about your tank to direct you to treat her for bacteria or parasites.

Good luck : ) April M.