Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Convicts


23 11:05:51

I have two convict cichlids in my 55g that layed eggs about 8 times without success. Will female convicts lay eggs and fan them without a male in the tank? I think my convicts were the result of an inbreed pair so they show orange bellies but also have long pointed dorsal fins.

Josh,     You have two females I think. The female of this species besides being the more aggressive convict the females show the nicer colors instead of the males. She is just laying infertile eggs and going through instinct. Does she chase the other away because mated pairs usually fan and brood together. If you think you have a pair I am going to send you a site I like gives you a few tricks. Unless you can get him to milt the eggs the will never be fertile.  Good Luck,Tina