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Abnormally Shy Oscar

23 14:11:44

Hello, I am fairly new to the world of fish(of my own at least, for I have tended my neighbor's fish for quite some time)- and cichlids seem to be the most interesting because of their "personalities".

My current Oscar has been very lively until lately. He normally would actually eat from my hands (he's addicted to sun-dried baby shrimp). Now, he hides until the night and the only thing that has changed in the tank is the death of my Mollie to probably old age (purchased as an adult and lived in my neighbor's tank for about 4 months until I got my own).

The Oscar eats fine and has a healthy appetite, but lately has refused to eat while any light is on or any movement is nearby outside the tank. Could the Oscar possibly be mourning the Mollie's death? What might remedy this?

Hi Beau,
  Have you been doing regular weekly partial water changes?  You need to be changing 25% of his water once a week, every week.  Shyness is one of the indicators of deteriorating water quality.

-- Ron
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